Helping You Recover Your Entitled Compensation For Your Back Injury in Greenville

Whether it’s mild or severe, back injuries are one of the most common injuries which occur after an accident. If negligent, reckless behavior and actions caused your back injury, you may be eligible to recover monetary compensation to pay for your medical bills and treatment, lost wages if your back injury forced you out of work for an extended period of time, as well as pain and suffering.

At Harris Law Firm, PLLC, our Greenville personal injury lawyers have what it takes to successfully fight for the justice you deserve. With millions of dollars recovered on behalf of all of our clients, we possess the comprehensive knowledge of the Mississippi legal system to help you navigate through the complex nature of your case.

Common Back Injuries

A back injury is one of the most difficult injuries to treat and can have long lasting consequences, affecting an individual’s quality of life for years. Treatment for back injuries can involve medications, therapy, chiropractic care, pain management and possibly surgery, which can be immensely expensive and require the injured person to remain out of work for long periods of time while losing thousands of dollars. Not only does the victim suffer, but their families also suffer from the burden of financial stability.

Common back injuries include the following:

  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Strains, sprains, and spasms
  • Vertebral fractures
  • Nerve damage
  • Chronic pain

30+ Years of Legal Experience

Our Greenville personal injury lawyers are dedicated to making sure you get the best treatment and financial relief in order a full recovery. With over three decades of experience under our belts, we have an in-depth understanding of the state laws and court proceedings to help develop a solid strategy for your case. Call us now, so that we can fight to get you the money you deserve!