As you plan for your trip, take a moment to observe these safety tips, and perhaps write a few down to keep in your vehicle.
- Always plan ahead: Planning can make anything in life go smoothly. It is especially helpful when it comes to a road trip, given the amount of unpredictable variables we often encounter while driving. Being prepared helps minimize the risk of being caught off guard. Map out the drive to your destination. Even if it is a short distance away, if you are unfamiliar with the route to your destination, you might get distracted if you have to look at directions or fiddle with a GPS navigation system.
- Have an S.O.S number on speed dial for roadside rescue: If you have been on enough road trips, you know that anything can happen, and sometimes that means getting stuck in the middle of nowhere. Having a convenient 800-number at the ready will help make this unpleasant event pass a little quicker, and with fewer hiccups, saving you time, hassle, and stress.
- Stay alert and never rush: Everyone is always in a hurry to reach their destination, but you should never risk your safety, or the safety of your passengers, to do so. This is a road trip, so take your time and enjoy the ride. Part of planning ahead, as mentioned above, also means making time for rest stops, so you can stretch your legs, use the bathroom, or get a bite to eat. Being well rested also means you will be a more alert driver.
- Be prepared: While on the road this summer, be prepared for anything and everything. Emergencies happen, so keep a roadside kit that contains useful items like signaling devices, a first aid kit, a pocket knife, and plenty of water. If you are unsure of what to pack in your emergency kit, many stores offer ready-made kits that also include reflective triangles, jumper cables, and fire extinguishers.
To make the drive more comfortable, keep sunglasses handy. Summer means sunny days and no one enjoys squinting for hours on end. - Inspect your vehicle: This is particularly important if you are planning a lengthy road trip. Is your vehicle safe to drive long distance?
- Check your wheels to make sure the tire pressure is not low, and that your tires’ treads are safe for driving.
- Make sure you have windshield wiper fluid and that your wiper blades are in good working order. You never want your visibility to be compromised.
- Make sure all of your lights are working. Not only can you receive a ticket for non-functional lights, but it is also dangerous. You should also make sure your brakes are not worn out. Brakes are one of the most important features in your vehicle, so if they are not in top shape, you are putting yourself in danger.
- Remember to bring goodies: Safety is important, but this is also a trip, so you want to be prepared to have fun. Pack all the essential road trip goodies you will need, such as snacks and drinks. Make a playlist at home before you hit the road, so that you are not changing stations or distracted by an MP3 player while driving. If you have children, bring games and activities for them to keep them occupied.
- Be a safe driver: If you need to refresh those driving skills or learn how to be a better defensive driver, take a safe driving course. Doing so could also qualify you for an insurance discount.
Greenville Car Accident Lawyer
At Harris Law Firm, PLLC, our Greenville car accident attorneys are here to help you obtain the compensation you deserve. If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident caused by someone else’s negligence, you should not have to suffer the burden of paying for your injuries. Our skilled team will investigate the scene of the accident, gather evidence, and deal with the insurance company on your behalf. You will not owe us any legal fees unless we win your case.
Call us today at 877-714-4171 for a free consultation.