Any auto accident can be a stressful experience, and this is especially true for expecting mothers. After all, even minor, low-impact collisions can still cause injury.
A mom’s body is designed to protect their little one, but it’s only natural to worry in times like this. Some accidents may result in birth complications, in utero injuries, or premature labor. That is why it is important to seek medical attention as soon as you can if you are in a car accident while pregnant.
What Injuries Can a Pregnant Mom or a Baby Suffer in a Crash?
As mentioned above, a mother’s uterus is a safe place for a baby. But the type of impact that can occur in an auto accident can lead to health complications for both mother and child. Some of the more common crash-related issues include:
- Premature labor and/or birth;
- Miscarriage;
- Birth defects such as brain trauma, organ defects, physical or mental disability, and blindness;
- Internal injuries or hemorrhaging;
- Infections; and
- Placental abruption.
It is the last example that often causes real birth trauma for mom and baby. The placenta is the body’s way to get vital nutrients to the child so that they can grow. Abruption happens when the placenta detaches from the uterus, depriving the baby of nutrients and, more importantly, oxygen. This can cause the mother to go into early labor or miscarry. Getting immediate medical care in these situations is paramount.
What to Do Immediately After the Accident While Pregnant
If you are a pregnant woman or in a car with one during an accident, it is important to stay as calm as you can. If there is any doubt about the mom or baby’s health, summon emergency medical care immediately. But if the accident was low impact and minor, you may be able to wait to seek medical help. In that case, you should still call the local police to assess and record the accident, as well as to clear the scene.
Make sure that the responding officer fills out an accident report and that you know how to obtain it once it is filed. This is important for any insurance claims, but it can also be vital evidence should the accident result in litigation. Take down the contact and insurance information of any other drivers, and if there are any witnesses, take their contact information as well. You never know what will best help your claim.
What to Do in Days After the Accident While Pregnant
If you’re involved in a minor car accident while pregnant, you should make sure to see your doctor as soon as possible. If you do suffer from any post-accident complications, catching them early is crucial.
If you and your doctor can address any issues or injuries immediately, this can reduce any long-term injuries you and your baby may suffer. Even if you feel completely fine, you never know what might go wrong. Your doctor can give you a proper health assessment and make sure there is no immediate danger.
Finally, contact a personal injury attorney. They can assess your claim and help pressure the insurance companies to promptly respond to you. If you’re worried about a settlement offer that doesn’t properly address your needs after a pregnant car accident, an attorney can help.
Sustain a Car Accident While Pregnant? Get Help Today
If you suffered injuries or complications from an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence, you deserve compensation. Since 1981, the Harris Law Firm has been providing sophisticated and successful legal representation in personal injury matters through Mississippi and Arkansas.
Our team is experienced and dedicated to getting you the compensation you deserve while helping you on the road to recovery. Call us to schedule a free consultation at (877) 714-4171, or fill out our online contact form.